The world from small to immense - Google translate

The world from small to immense

 Each of us lives in many ways, each with different interests, different ideas, and even the same things we see differently ...
 In order to fully express his thoughts, about our world want to start from the very small - it is normal molecule!
 If you think about it, the molecule - a piece of this world, it is "live" their lives, to fulfill its function, albeit small, but it has a definite purpose ... The molecule did not choose her destiny in life, she did not choose where it will be geographically in the world ... The molecule is subject to the laws of physics and chemistry ... Well, the most interesting - the molecules are so many that they do not count ... Some molecules are constantly moving in space, some almost standing still ... Molecule devoid of reason, and therefore they do not think about the people around the world, about what is good and bad ... They just fill this world and someone came up with this so ...
   If you look in terms of people, the molecule has long been studied, a man she knows about almost everything! For most people, the molecule - it is something not only small, but so stupid that even a pity to waste the time and think about them ...

Not nuclear
By no nuclear microorganisms include bacteria! To date, about ten thousand described species of bacteria, but in fact they are also very much, just a man still could not, and will likely never be able to explore them all ...
 The bacterium - it is simply a one-celled organism. Bacteria as well as the molecule did not choose his destiny in this world, the bacterium did not choose their cellular structure and size ... Some bacteria are almost stationary, but most of them have been able to move with flagella, meander through the axial filaments, or expense of slipping ... Most interestingly, bacteria multiply and each bacterium has its own DNA ...
 Thinks a bacterium of the world around her? Probably not! But bacteria also exist for some reason, they also fill this world, they obey the laws of physics and chemistry ... Each bacterium has its purpose and performs a specific function!
 If you look at the bacteria with a high, I mean in terms of people, the word is most negative. The bacterium - is that-is bad, small, dirty, from what should be rather to defend themselves ... Although there are medical bacteria to humans, but for some reason most people remember only the bad and estesstvenno afraid of them ... Adds little fear that the bacterium is so small that it can not be touched, see without a microscope, smell or hear ... Like an elephant afraid of a little mouse, and man is afraid that a fraction of it, but still not fully investigated, in addition ...

 The nuclear micro-organisms include fungi and plants! Fungi and plants classified as independent kingdoms of nature - Lat. Fungi and Plantae
   Based on the molecules and bacteria fungi and plants, there is something similar, and there is something new!
 From similar to plants and fungi - that's what they did not choose his destiny, that they carry out their duties in this world that man has not studied them thoroughly, and never explore, each fungus and the plant has its own DNA, they all obey the laws physics and chemistry ...
 From the new - is that fungi and plants are so numerous that they are all different! All fungi and plants are composed of cells - micro-organisms, which in turn do not think about his fate, but simply fill the world ... Or is not that easy?
 If you think about it - all the different plants: mosses, algae, ferns, horsetails, club mosses, gymnosperms and flowering plants ... Since the cells and DNA are different, the groups of these cells obruzayut its a small world - the plant! To make it clearer, there are plant predators, there are fruit and flowers are just beautiful and so
 Why is it so? It seems they all consist of the same, almost all of the photosynthesis takes place, almost the same principles for growth, but some groups of cells form a harmless flower, and the other a tall tree?
 For a man - fungi and plants are of interest primarily to eat them! Yes, yes - it's food chain and there's no getting away from this ... Only then - this is for a person of oxygen, which is needed to breathe, only then is the beauty that people admire ...
 At this stage, there is another explanation for all life processes - the energy!
 Plants during photosynthesis absorb light quanta and turning, and use energy in different endergonicheskih reactions, including conversion of carbon dioxide into organic matter. As a man, too, need energy, then eating a salad or an apple, a person receives their energy for the life of the organism and the reactions it ...
 It is very difficult and confusing? But what about animals? They even easier and more confusing at the same time ...

Animal world
 Animal World - a category of organisms are now highlighted in the biological kingdom Animalia. Any animal is composed of cells that have nuclei. Each animal has its own DNA. And each animal has a brain, well, or instincts ... Animals, as well as bacteria, fungi and plants are not fully understood by man, and never will be explored! People put experiments on animals, studying their habits, the internal structure of the body, their illness, but still much remains as yet impossible!
 The more interesting animals? However, many of whom live in flocks, so that many people are like, so that there are many vocal apparatus ... The fact that they eat or plants or other animals. The basic instinct of any animal - it is self-preservation. What is the role played by animals in the world? That you are no longer a molecule with a bacterium, which simply fills the world - people tend to think that it's living creatures, which must preserve and protect ...
 That is if you look at the world from the perspective of a small ant. It looks like the man in the sense that there is a foot, head, torso, ... Ant lives in a big city, sometimes even in the city ... The ant works, almost going to work ... Do ants have a route, as our roads ... Yes, many of them look like us! And globally we can say that we are stupid for them to dinosaurs, and they tsivillizovannoe society! For a man ant - it's just an insect, from which the better to get rid if they infest homes and is best left alone in the wild because it is very painful bite!
 Modern man is very rarely intersects with wildlife and, therefore, all the animals for him - it's not even food, a subject of admiration! People learned to grow food and to kill himself, but the wild animals, this process involves less and less ...

 What is society? Who are the people for the world? It may be seem ridiculous, but people are different, too! In kazhdago person has their own DNA, which in turn provides storage, transmission from generation to generation and storage of information about the structure of RNA and proteins. People have different nationalities, different physical and mental abilities ... People live in a society and as they do not find the time to bother about the molecules, bacteria, fungi, plants and animals, they do not think about other people! This gregarious reflex, it is selfishness and laziness in the first place! By comparing the value of a person in the world, the ape, in most cases, we find the same thing. Born a man does not choose who he is born, where he will be territorial and like all of the above is subject to the laws of physics and chemistry ... In humans, there are a number of needs, without which he can not live ... The main difference in people's lives, that while the brain does not start completely - for the young child decide everything adult! The adults in the herd grew, and teach their children to live in the same herd, and to obey the laws of the herd ... And someone came up with these laws, and the rest of the herd, these laws are supported ... What is your child? First - it's the world with its irritants, bacteria, fungi, plants and animals ... Then there is the education of parents, education of teachers or instructors ... And then the meaning of life as the bed goes into making money, building his family and procreation ... But in animals the same way, only instead of money they get their food and build up a nest in another way!
 So it turns people on average live 50 years to eat a certain amount of food to give birth to children instead of himself and die? Of course not, everyone will say of you! Everyone is seeking something in life and after it are the products of its activity - houses, cars, airplanes, rockets ... But what is the benefit of the world? Very few people think about it, because in the modern reflexes of the herd, selfishness and laziness are strengthening ...
 There are a lot of speculation about what is outside the galaxy? There are many science fiction movies and books written about it ... All that man does not know and will never know - it scares. All that man can not explain the laws of physics or chemistry refers to the wonders of the world.
 Who can answer one simple question: why do not people fly? Modern technology makes it possible to make quite massively aircraft, as well as machine ... Motor with a propeller and a small paraschyutom - it is a means for admiration, and not move ... Maybe because for the herd is not necessary? Because the earth is going on at least a little, but chaos, and if people start to fly, then people will not be able to manage? Boundaries no longer exist and will change the entire society ... Someone braking is the development of our civilization? It must be someone more than anyone ... do not have
 Man, as well as the animals came up with the power! Let the leader of the animals - this is the strongest, the person is not always so ... Once in power, people think more about how to preserve it, not about what to do for his flock and for the world as a whole! We have a little more than 200 countries and, accordingly, the same "leaders" ... Ask any of this miserable couple of hundred of people: those who want to achieve something new to the world in the next 5-10 years? But no! Everyone is trying to run their country, as they had once taught, if taught at all ... Everyone is trying to deal with the problems other people manage and organize various activities, but it's just child's play!
 In fact, thinks any ordinary person! But there are still people who have the genes and the DNA left by the great men, even take for example 100 great people in the world:

 Abraham Lincoln
Adolf Hitler
Akira Kurosawa
Alexander II
Alexander Graham Bell
Alexander of Macedon
Alexander Pushkin
Alexander Suvorov
Al Capone
Alfred Nobel
Alfred Hitchcock
Antoni Gaudi
Arthur Conan Doyle
The Beatles
The Brothers Grimm
The Wright Brothers
Vincent van Gogh
Gamal Abdel Nasser
Harry S. Truman
Heinrich Schliemann
Horatio Nelson
John D. Rockefeller
John von Neumann
George Washington
Dmitri Mendeleev
Douglas MacArthur
Catherine II
Elizabeth I
Jean Henri Fabre
Joan of Arc
Sigmund Freud
Ivan Pavlov
Isaac Newton
Karl Marx
Leo Tolstoy
Leonardo da Vinci
Lawrence of Arabia
Mao Zedong
Marie Antoinette
Marie Curie.
Marco Polo
Martin Luther
Martin Luther King Jr.
Mother Teresa
Mikhail Lomonosov
Marilyn Monroe
Nikola Tesla
Nikolai Gogol
Nicolaus Copernicus
Otto von Bismarck
Pablo Picasso
Pol Pot
Richard Nixon
Robert Capa
Roald Amundsen
Soichiro Honda
Thomas Edison
Winston Churchill
Fyodor Dostoevsky
Ferdinand Porsche
Florence Nightingale
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Ho Chi Minh City
Charles Darwin
Charles Lindbergh
Che Guevara
Genghis Khan
Charles de Gaulle
J. Edgar Hoover
Elvis Presley
Ernest Hemingway
Julius Caesar
Yuri Gagarin
 Even more difficult to believe that somewhere close to you can live in the neighborhood of second Mendeleev? In fact, these people very much! When they realize that they are either mind or something else different from the herd - they can not state this directly! Society is ill-treats! Any future works of great men, and implementing their ideas and goals are not talking about this society! When there is power, money and time - you can create anything! But the problem is that those couple of hundred people who run the countries of the world if they can work, it often comes down to what to do for himself and his beloved family nest softer! About the fact that many people are actually doing - and then write in the books, write about someone, it was a great man and he made a lot, but about someone that he ruined what was and returned the country for a couple of decades into the past ...

Author: Sergey Nikolaev

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